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Sprung Nocturne

Andy Eaton


Andy Eaton's debut pamphlet is a mediation on death and elegy. It is a contemplation of the vividness of the world, traversing history to offer us a way of seeing outside of ourselves in the unique places that these poems create. 



People in Andy’s poems are flawed but they are also, “little saviours,” driving themselves beyond the limits of their humanity to try and live well despite circumstances. This is not something which can be said directly, only alluded to, hinted at, told in parables and tiny, fragile glimpses. Such beauty requires a light touch. It is flighty and as easily ruined as the fallen sparrows of the collection’s final poem. Andy Eaton knows how to hold the possible lightly.  - Jan Carson



Andy Eaton was born in San Diego, California and lived throughout the United States until settling in Belfast in 2011. He is currently a Henry Hoyns Fellow at the University of Virginia and lives in Charlottesville, Virginia. He received the 2017 Ploughshares Emerging Writers award in poetry, selected by Natalie Diaz, and the 2016 Tupelo Quarterly Poetry Prize, selected by Tracy K. Smith, as well as awards from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, and the Sewanee Writers’ Conference. He has taught at Oxford Brookes University and the Seamus Heaney Centre for Poetry, where he earned a PhD in English from Queen’s University, Belfast. His poems appear in or are forthcoming from Copper Nickel, Colorado review, Kenyon Review Online, Ploughshares, Poetry Ireland Review and The Yale Review, among other places. He is at work on his first collection of poetry.

Jan 2017


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